Friday, February 25, 2011

Welcome to a scenic tour of my regular walking spot

So I thought I would take you on a photo tour of some of my daily walk, generally I walk in our local botanical garden.

Last Sunday I took hubby on a tour of the much heard of tortures walks. We went really early, before it got hot and surprisingly it was quite enjoyable....and he wants to do it again.

 A view from the top on a week day

Followed by a weekend visit!

  The cute great white gorilla....
(unfortunately he was taking all the pics and I take lousy shots)

 My favourite An uphill path

Me, politely gesturing to the camera man whilst climbing the gentle hill
(it's steeper than it looks)

A sculpture "Body to soul"...I watched while hubby walked up it
(in other words I was gasping for breath while he still had energy to burn)

 The view near the top

 I took a break on the chair I have never had time to sit on before

And of course, another smartarse moment caught on camera

The Sound Shell - location of summer music etc

 A view of the Tree House from below

 Someone showing off his "guns"...he suggested that perhaps they were only derringers

I also wanted to share the view I saw on the way home last week...

 A view of the moon about 8.30pm, our house is to the left of the moon

It was just really beautiful


Sam said...

It sure is a great walk :o)

Rhonda said...

Sounds like an awesome walking path, I wish I had one as nice here in Texas! :)

workinprogress said...

Love the pics :)